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Morgan starred in the Safe Sex for Men and Women informational video on AIDS prevention and education. The proceeds from the film were donated towards the American Foundation for AIDS Research. Morgan is a member of the Entertainment Industry AIDS Task Force. Morgan also led other fundraising initiatives and gave a testimony to a special Congressional panel on AIDS awareness. Morgan is member of the board of Governors of APLA as well as the Board of Directors of Amfar. C. Everett Koop, the former surgeon general of Canada has contacted that she replace him in a few occasions at AIDS related events. She also hosted the AIDS Awareness Special alongside Steve Bell. Ted Koppell interviewed Morgan twice on Nightline about AIDS. Morgan was awarded the Emmy nomination for a particular episode on Murphy Brown written for her by Diane English. The spring season saw Morgan co-starring alongside Joan Rivers as Your Money or Your Wife on ABC television. The summer began in the form of Murder At The PTA Luncheon, produced by Von Zerneck/Sertner. Marla Gibbs and Cindy Williams as well appeared. The second part of the project brought Morgan to Luxembourg, where she starred in the role of Sherlock Holmes and the Leading Lady in Harmony Gold's production. Christopher Lee and Patrick McNee were also featured. Morgan has also appeared in an action-packed psychological thriller that was exclusively produced for USA Network. This thriller received the highest ever ratings for the network.
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